Wait for Me

Can you wait for me, my child?

Can you wait for me to grow?

I see you’re turning 5 next week,

These years have passed so slow

and yet I find inside of me

myself a baby still.

Please also wait while I attend

to screaming toddler me.

I’m sorry that they pull and tug

and turn my eyes from you.

Inside I go to calm them down,

or push them to the side.

I don’t want frozen parts of me,

I only wanted one.

So wait for me to grow a bit

before your childhood’s done.

I wish I could explain to you

what happened in my past,

Perhaps one day you’ll work it out

when you ask about my scars.

I know that you can’t wait for me,

I’d never hold you back.

I’ll give you love and safety, son,

Go far, be loud and free,

so when you’ve finished growing

you’ll be not bit like me.

Published by sarcasticfringehead

I'm an adult survivor of child abuse who documents therapy; a yellow brick road to hell.

12 thoughts on “Wait for Me

  1. a wonderful and moving piece of writing: do you mind if I commit it to my Common Place book? I’ll be honest: I’ve read a lot of poems —part of my job — buy never a poem like this. And a Fabulous finish . I know the pain must have been and still is harrowing at times; ironic it produces such beautiful art.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Common Place book is the correct, though clumsy term for a book where you jot down your thoughts, drafts of poems and stuff from other people that appealed to you. It is alm…. maybe I should write about it

        Liked by 1 person

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